Thursday, July 3, 2008

My girl...potty trained

and it only took about two days! She turned three in I decided it was time. To be honest..I wasn't in a big hurry, I think I wanted to hang on to that "babyhood" a bit longer. With my older girls, I was always in such a big hurry. They could point to all their body parts at 18 months, knew letters and numbers and were potty trained before they were two, could write their name at age three..they could recite every nursery rhyme and count to 100..and I'm a bit embarrassed to admit this..but, I actually had a book called "Teach Your Baby to Read". I made flash cards and grilled them every night before bed. I think a part of it was the teacher in me, but I also thought it made me a better mom to be able to say, "My baby can do blah, blah, blah..." I thought I walked around w/ a huge shinning star hovering above my head that announced to the world that I was the best mom on earth. I was wrong. I know that now. With my last two, I let things happen naturally, when they were ready. I might not have the glow of a star above my head..but I do know I am a good mom....even though Piper can't write her name.

Last week, I just decided to do it. The grandmothers were getting quite opinionated. I assured them that I had trained three other children and I had no doubt that I could successfully train another. We had a little talk about big girls using the potty and I told her if she potty trained that we would buy her some new big girl panties. She requested that they be princess and mermaids. That was it..she went the rest of the day without any accidents...

I was out at Target (for like the 10th time this week) addicted..yes! I bought her the panties. When I gave them to her she gasped.."Thank you mommy so much..they are beautiful..amazing..wonderful!" Yes, she likes using adjectives. She put them on..all seven once..and then had an accident..which meant all seven pair were wet..and she cried. She borrowed a pair of Sayler's which "not" surprisingly fit her(they almost wear the same size)and we washed hers.

She has done perfectly..and accident here and there..but for the most part..she's totally trained. We were sitting on the couch the other day, and she was telling me that she was a big girl..and I said yes..."my big girl, but always my baby girl" she has since referred to herself as "big girl, baby girl"

She loves to look at the book "Guess How Much I Love You?" and it is her bathroom reading material of choice..she always needs me to help her get on the potty, she gets her book and then says.."go away louder"..I have no clue what the "louder" part means..but she says it every single time..

I'm so proud of her, and at the same time, a little bit more milestone past on her way to growing up. I just love her so..that mess of curly blond hair, that little sprinkling of freckles across her nose, the way she jumps up and says "mommy I missed you" every time I get her out of bed..all of these things..I want to bottle..never to forget..

I love you big girl, baby girl..right up to the moon~ and back!


laura vegas said...

yay piper!!! what a big moment for her! and she looks so cute doing it! kind of sad though when it's your last baby.

Carin Davis said...

"right up to the moon and back" one phrase that warms my heart each time I hear it....

congrats to Piper!!!!!!!
I am the world's WORST potty trainer, my poor kids!!! I think waiting until 3 sounds perfect for my "baby" too!!!!

Natasha said...

well done!
I also waited till 3 with Kami, she just wasn't ready before then and I wasn't in a rush!
LOVE that first photo
Guess how much I love you is a firm favorite in my house too!

Anonymous said...

amazing pictures..greetings from spain

Melissa said...

Yah Piper!!! Good for her!

Caits said...

How sweet. Congrats:)

Amanda said...

Just wanted to say Hi! I just came across your blog and love, love, love your work. You take A-MAZING pictures! Good job for little (or BIG) Piper. My little Bailey is
2 1/2 and I keep putting off the potty training. I'm coming to terms with the fact that there will be accidents and that really I just need to breakdown and go for it. Anyway, I will definitely become a frequent visitor to your blog, you are very inspiring.

Shelley said...

Congratulations to you and Piper!! I'm already dreading the potty training stage, but looking forward to no diapers. All in good time. Beautiful images as always, you have some great light in your bathroom.

Kristy said...

I love it!! Belle is almost 2. We have been thinking about potty training. YIKES!!

Raygan said...


Jennifer said...

YAY piper thats awesome. I love milesstones like these, thats awesome! And what cute pics to tell the story too!

Margie said...

Wow! Amazing pictures! Just ran into your blog and totally related. I just finished potty trainging my son and it sounded oh so familiar! Will be visiting your blog more often! BTW...she's beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous..You work is really fantastic i love it..a big hello from Spain

Mindy said...

so perfectly sweet!

Julie Hudson said...

Pip is getting mega freckles too!! Why don't you get some video of her on here singing "Damaged." Oh, Gray was three when she was potty trained. She didn't want the diapers to go bye-bye!