Tuesday, March 25, 2008


That two toddlers live here. I never bother cleaning up the little messes they make throughout the day..I use to, I'm a bit compulsive and I just couldn't take the clutter scattered here and there..but I've finally decided to let it go, I was spending my entire morning going behind them..it was a never ending task, so finally, I wised up, now I wait..they eat lunch, go down for naps..and then..I clean. That's the first thing I do..go around and pick up the morning..I can't focus on anything else until it's done..it totally stresses me out to have dishes in the sick or cars scattered all over the floor..I just have to pick it up. Today, when I came downstairs I noticed all the little reminders that we have two very active toddlers in our house. I couldn't help but smile, and thought that it wouldn't be long before the matchbox cars were gone and half eaten strawberries would no longer be left laying where ever. I took pictures, little reminders of the things they did..their little play..that one day I'll wish I had to pick up...

Adler's mid morning snack...

Woody in time-out..because according to Piper.."he just isn't a good listener"

A picture drawn by Sayler..Piper needed to put her "friends" on it..because they like rainbows..

Piper's mermaid kingdom..it's been sitting there for days..if anyone thinks of touching it..you'll have a very angry two year on your hands..

The "absolutely ridiculous" pile of matchbox cars..that as soon as they are picked up..they are dumped..because he can't find just the right one..

And a Jell-O tower..I have no idea why we have sugar free Jell-O..especially lime and orange..gag!


jen said...

I found your blog one day a couple weeks ago while searching through photographers I love & I have been eating up your work ever since. You have amazing color and clarity. I love how you've captured the simple things we take for granted. I too have 3 little kiddos & I cringe sometimes at teh messes, but I'm inspired to capture them before they are gone. Thank you.
~Jen, a huge fan :)

Amanda said...

This post made me smile! It's so true though... one day we'll miss it.

Anonymous said...

How is that what they leave about looks artistic...and all I have is MESS! :)

Your images are sure to bring a smile to my face! How do you do it!?!?

Holly said...

I wonder if I'll ever miss it - constantly picking up. I imagine that someday I might. I had to laugh at the matchbox cars - our pile is at least twice that big and I've given away 5 times that many because I just can't handle them all. Where did they all come from? It's like they multiply while we sleep. Ha! Love the mermaids!

Laura said...

I just loved looking at these everyday pics. Sometimes cleaning the same things over and over is so overwhelming, but you're so right...one day they'll be too busy to hang around home and I'll miss those little toys. Wonderful job as always!

laura vegas said...

these photos are so fun megan! that one of woody in time out is hilarious! and the princess kingdom ... i have a similiar set-up right now in our loft. it's a huge dollhouse-land that takes up every inch of the room ... and it's been there for 2 weeks!

i think i've relaxed a little with my girls stuff. but the daycare kids? i follow them around all day picking up after them. and i do the same at naptime ... pick up everything that's left ... i can't function or do anything unless it's clean!

Stacy said...

Such a nice little reminder that one day we will miss the messy things that annoy us the most at this moment. Now I wish I would have taken those pictures of our after Easter mess in my kitchen before I cleaned it up....I will keep a mental note of this post to remind myself that the mess is part of our life at this point in our life and it needs remember also. Always a story to tell...thanks.

Tracey Kendall said...

I love it....

And so true...i hate clutter and a mess and found myself picking up stuff ALL DAY...my husband always said why ...wait till the end of the day...so about mid afternoon when they have quite time and sitting on the couch watching a movie or napping, that is when the mad woman comes out and starts cleaning...lol

True enough one day we will miss it :(

Laureen said...

great post Megan - woody in time out is the best by far!!! Next time, maybe he'll listen better!

Heidi Brand said...

Megan, I just love each and everyone of these pictures. I am so glad that you took the time to capture these pictures. Before you know it these days will be gone, and thankfully you have these gorgeous photos to remember them.

Joneel said...

what a fun idea to take pictures of what they left behind when they went off to their naps. I Like it

Anonymous said...

OMG! These are so funny. I have that same bin of matchbox cars. Woody in timeout, made me roar with laughter. These are great. I love your work!!

Anonymous said...
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